

Earwigs are dark brown elongated (1/2 to 1 inch long) nocturnal insects that like to hide in moist areas during the day. They are easily identified by their pincerlike appendages at the tip of the abdomen (growing up, we could this insect’s pincher bugs). These insects are scavengers that will feed on other insects, spiders and occasionally plants. These insects cause no damage inside a home and usually mean there may be an excess moisture issue somewhere if frequently found.

A Beneficial Pest in Our Landscapes

Earwigs are known to frequently dine on armyworms, aphids, mites, and scales which can cause significant damage to our lawns and ornamental plants if left untreated.

Do Earwigs Eat Wood?

No, even though they are similar looking to termites in some ways, these insects do not eat wood and overall are generally harmless pests.

Are Earwigs Dangerous?

An “oldwives tale” says that earwigs can enter peoples’ ears and bore into the brain, thankfully this is completely false. These insects are generally harmless, though some can release a foul odor if mashed. We also recommend staying away from the pincher appendages as they can deliver a pinch if threatened.

An earwig issue is most likely due to moisture issues around the exterior of the home. They generally stay outdoors unless populations are larger or the conditions outside have pushed them inside.

Elimination of hiding places, food material, and moisture sources will dramatically decrease earwig populations. In addition, having the exterior of your home regularly treated for pest control will help keep these insects at bay.

Check potted plants for activity prior to bringing them indoors. Check your irrigation to make sure you are not overwatering the property. Also check possible entry points around the home to make sure that they have been sealed as best as possible to avoid these occasional invaders.

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